What is health and wellness coaching?
Certified Health Coaches are credentialed Health Professionals from diverse backgrounds who have additional training in the science of health behavior change. Coaches work with individuals and groups in a client-centered process to facilitate and empower the client to achieve self-determined goals related to health and wellness.
The National Society of Health Coaches describes Evidence-Based Health Coaching (EBHC)® as the use of evidence-based skillfull conversation, clinical strategies and interventions to actively and safely engage clients in health behavior change to better self-manage their health, health risk, and acute and chronic conditions resulting in optimal wellness, lowered health risk, improved health outcomes and decreased health costs.
The science of behavior change is at the heart of a Certified Health Coaches’ work, and every program is a client-centered process whose end-goal is to empower clients not only to determine the change they seek, but also enables them to take the manageable steps toward ensuring that change will be lasting and sustainable. Leaning on their medical education, and expertise, Certified Health Coaches engage clients in a series of reflective and experiential exercises designed to develop self-determined goals at the point of care. Certified Health Coaches provide ongoing counsel and goal oriented plans for clients on how to manage chronic or acute conditions, and other diagnoses which carry a moderate to high health risk such as: disease management (hypertension, diabetes, etc.), chronic condition care (obesity, systemic infection, etc.), and post-operation recovery (heart surgery, achilles tendon repair surgery, etc.).
Jeanette is a Certified Health Coach through the National Society of Health Coaches and maintains the highest standards. The NSHC Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice are based on those of the American Medical Association, the American Nurses Association, and the International Coaching Federation. Recognized by clients for her compassionate, collaborative, and empowering style, Jeanette maintains an open minded, synergistic approach to help you achieve your goals.
All sessions via Virtual HIPAA complaint conferencing, or Telephonic medium. Though we do not accept health insurance, some health insurance providers will provide reimbursement for health and wellness coaching, we can provide all necessary billing codes.
What is Wellness Coaching?
Merriam-Webster defines wellness as the quality of state of being healthy; or in good health, especially as an activity- sought goal. The Centers for Disease Control define wellness as the degree to which one feels positive and enthusiastic about life. In wellness coaching, a wellness coach partners with clients in a collaborative, guiding process to achieve sustainable and positive, self-determined change.
Achieve your highest wellness vision including physical, emotional, social, spiritual and financial realms of life
Empower yourself to manifest your highest self
Holistic Approach to Wellness
Prioritizing self-care
Maintaining a positive and healthy mindset
Balancing wellness and a busy schedule
Contact us for more information